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Daycares That Ensure Kids Exercise

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If you enroll your child in a daycare, they'll likely go before school, after school, or during the days in the summertime when they're off summer break. When you sign them up, you may not consider how important it is that they exercise while they're there. It may be the only time in the day they have the chance to be active and get the exercise they require to be healthy.

They'll Spend a Lot of Time There

Your child will be spending a lot of time at their daycare, so it's best if they use their time positively. Rather than sitting around, doodling, etc., they can use their time there to improve their health. Children need to get exercise, so if you enroll them in a daycare that incorporates fitness into their schedule, you'll be helping to improve your child's health. 

They Don't Get Enough Exercise in School

Unfortunately, kids don't have many chances to exercise at school, even though they spend much of their time there. They can exercise in physical education classes and recess, but that's a small percentage of their total time at school. It's more important that your child is learning, but if they're unable to exercise during other parts of their day—like at daycare—it can be a significant issue. 

They Won't Want to Exercise at Home

When your child finally makes it home after a long day, the last thing they want to do is exercise. It's their time to spend time with family members and relax, just like it is for you when you get home at the end of a hard day. If you enroll your child in a daycare that focuses on the importance of exercise, you won't have to worry about your child relaxing once they get home. 

Kids Need a Break from the Books

Some daycares focus solely on learning activities, which can be tough on kids who already learn all day at school. Children need to get a break from studying, and exercise is a great way to do that. 

It Will Make Their Experience Fun

Since your child will spend much of their time at daycare, they must enjoy themselves to a degree. If they're miserable the whole time, they will be unhappy when they get home and dread going to daycare every day. Exercise can be lots of fun for children—playing games, sports, and running around—so they'll likely have a better time at a daycare that allows them to exercise.

Reach out to a childcare center to learn more.
