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3 Tips For Choosing A Noseless Bike Saddle

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Biking is a great way to get in shape and even perform your daily commute. Unfortunately, standard bike saddles can place pressure on your perineum, which can lead to discomfort and an increased risk of certain types of sexual dysfunction.

Swapping your bike seat out for a noseless variety is an excellent way to reap the benefits of bicycling with none of the drawbacks. Noseless bike saddles are designed to distribute your weight evenly across your buttocks, allowing you to enjoy a smooth and comfortable ride. Here are three tips that can help you get started using this type of bike seat:

1. Find a noseless bike saddle that is compatible with your height.

Bikes are designed to elevate their riders a certain distance off the ground. When sitting atop your bike, your leg should be fully straight at the furthest point of your pedal extension. When shopping for a noseless bike saddle, you should take your height into account. While most bike seats can be adjusted within a few inches by raising or lowering their mounts, you should make sure to choose a noseless bike saddle in the correct size range for your needs.

2. Take weight into account.

In general, heavy bikes move more slowly and take more energy to propel. The weight of a bike is largely determined by its frame construction. Certain materials are heavier than others, but various bike accessories can also add additional weight. When choosing a noseless bike saddle, consider how light or heavy you'd like your bike seat to be.

Larger bike saddles with more cushioning tend to be heavier, but sparse, lightweight varieties may be less comfortable. Remember that speed isn't always the ultimate goal. While some people do enjoy bike racing, others simply enjoy leisurely rides around their neighborhoods. If speed isn't a large consideration for you, you don't necessarily need to sacrifice comfort for lightweight construction.

3. Purchase the right size.

A bike saddle's height is determined by the length of its mount, but the dimensions of the bike seat itself should also be taken into consideration. Men and larger people may need wide noseless bike saddles to allow them to comfortably balance atop their bikes. However, noseless bike saddles that are too large can make your balance feel unstable if you're on the smaller side. Women and children who would like to enjoy the benefits of noseless bike saddles should look for saddles designed to accommodate their smaller frames.

Contact a retailer for more information about noseless bike saddles
