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Ready To Help Your Athletes Train At Home? Simple Pieces Of Equipment The Entire Family Can Use

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If you have an active family with athletic teens and you are looking at ways that you can train together as a family, there are a variety of things that you can do. You don't need to be a trainer or instructor to help your family gain speed, flexibility and strength.

A lot of exercises and drills are easy and can be done at home. Here are some of the things that you will want to purchase to start doing these exercises with everyone at home.

Resistance Bands

A pack of resistance bands with different resistance levels is great to do exercises with. You can use these to help build strength, improve endurance, and also to improve speed. You can set up stations and do the resistance exercises at different levels, switching each station with a set amount of time. These are affordable, easy to store, and simple for your young athletes to use on their own.


There are so many different drills you can do with cones. You can do footwork and speed work with cones to improve agility. You can also use the balls or equipment from your children's favorite sports with the cones. Get enough of these so that you can set up long courses or set up multiple drills to do one after the other.

Rope Ladder

A rope ladder that is laid on the ground is an easy piece of equipment that you can use when you don't have a lot of space. These drills will help with reaction time, speed, and agility during sports. You can also use the rope ladder in addition to the cones to set up a course for your family to go through while they are training.

These are all very affordable and easy to use options. You can set up schedules and agendas for different days of the week for your family to use these different training devices. The equipment will come with some training suggestions, and you can also use books, workout forums, videos and other sports boards to figure out what the best target exercises will be for your family.

You can decide what your family needs to work on, and go from there. Talk with your family about what equipment they think they would use the most, and get it ordered so you can help your family work towards their goals. Visit a website like to see what equipment you can add to your home.
