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Want To Start Doing Yoga? Three Things To Know

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In the past few decades, yoga has exploded in popularity throughout the US. In fact, it's estimated that 24.8 million Americans now practice yoga, up from just 15.8 million in 2008. Even though yoga has become extremely popular, some people still find it intimidating. While yoga can involve some impressive-looking moves, it's also a great way to increase flexibility, strengthen muscles, and get into shape. For those who want to start practicing yoga, here are three things to know.

There Are Multiple Styles Of Yoga

The first thing to consider when looking into yoga is that there are multiple styles to choose from. Choosing between styles can be a little overwhelming for beginners. Some of the most common styles of yoga include hatha, vinyasa, Iyengar, Ashtanga, Bikram, Kundalini, Yin, restorative yoga, and hot yoga. Those who are just starting their yoga journey should look into the different styles available in order to determine which ones suit them the best. Beginner classes are offered for most styles of yoga. It's also possible to enjoy and practice multiple styles of yoga. 

Calories Burned Can Vary

Yoga is a great way to add muscle tone, increase flexibility, and get into better overall shape. However, yoga does provide limited cardio compared to other forms of exercise. For those looking to burn a lot of calories, some styles of yoga burn more calories than others. For example, an hour-long Ashtanga class can burn between 450 and 550 calories, while an hour-long hatha class will only burn between 175 and 298 calories. For those looking to burn a lot of calories, Astanga, vinyasa, and Bikram yoga classes tend to meet these goals. 

Costs Can Vary

Another thing that can vary greatly when it comes to yoga is the cost of practicing. One of the best things about yoga is that it is incredibly accessible. Yoga classes run the gamut from public classes that are free to join to private studio sessions that can get rather pricey. On average, the cost of practicing yoga tends to be very affordable. The average drop-in class costs $12, while a quality yoga mat runs between $22 and $80. There are also plenty of free yoga resources online and in most communities. For most people, there is an affordable option for learning yoga in their area.

In the last few decades, yoga has become one of the most popular forms of exercise in the US. Yoga is accessible and is a great way to increase strength and flexibility. For those who are eager to start learning yoga, there are a variety of styles to choose from. Beginners who are looking to burn a lot of calories may find certain styles of yoga burn more calories than others. Yoga is also an affordable form of exercise and there are plenty of free or low cost resources available to beginners. 
