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5 Types Of Fitness Classes That Help You Get In Shape

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If you want to get in shape, lose weight, have more energy, or just become healthier, then you need to exercise regularly. Sticking with a fitness routine can be difficult if you aren't highly motivated and if you try to do it alone. You'll have more fun if you enroll in fitness classes instead. There are so many to choose from, so you can find something that helps you achieve your goals no matter what kind of physical shape you're in currently. Here's a look at some classes you'll find.

Spinning Classes

Spinning is a tough workout on a stationary bike. You'll be pushed to work as hard as you can by an instructor in a group setting. Spinning is a great cardio workout and it gets your muscles in shape too. If you don't have time for biking and running outside the gym, then taking spinning classes is a good way to stay active and push yourself to your limits.

Yoga And Stretching Classes

If you prefer more gentle exercises, you can try stretching or yoga. Some yoga poses are extreme but you can easily find a beginners class to help you build your flexibility and endurance. Stretching exercises are important as you age because they help keep you limber and improve your balance. They can also help with improving range of motion.

Water Exercises In A Pool

If you need to be protective of your joints, then taking a water aerobics class is a good choice. You'll get a good workout without harming your joints. Water exercises are gentle so they are even helpful when you're recovering from an injury and can't run or do other types of impact exercise. Even though the water supports your body weight, you still get a workout since you have to move against the resistance of the water as you exercise.

Extreme Fitness Classes

If you're looking for an intense workout, then a class like CrossFit might be what you want. You can take these classes even if you are out of shape because they get you fit quickly. These classes offer a variety of functional exercises and the routine constantly varies. The focus is to strengthen your muscles and improve cardiovascular fitness and endurance. You'll move from station to station to do things like lift weights, do stretches, jump on boxes, and run with weighted bags. All the while you'll be prompted to push yourself harder by an instructor. While these classes can be tough, they are very popular and effective at getting you in shape.

Dance Fitness Classes

Exercise combined with dancing is always fun. It's a great way to socialize and lighten up while you get in shape. If you hate traditional fitness classes with boring exercises, then you should look into a dance class like Zumba, which is quite popular. The constant moving is great for your heart, and the dance moves strengthen your muscles while you have fun.

No matter what your goal or interest, you can find a fitness class to motivate you and keep you moving. Exercise is extremely beneficial for your health, but you have to do it regularly to get the best results. Enrolling in a structured class could be the best way to keep you on track and get results from your efforts.
