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Tips for Comfortably Getting Started With a New Exercise Program

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If you want to start a new exercise program but have been hesitant because you don't want to deal with post-exercise muscle soreness, then you will be pleased to learn that this doesn't have to be your fate. While you can expect some tiredness and muscle pain after you first start exercising, there are many things you can do to reduce their impact on the rest of your life. To this end, here are some tips for comfortably getting started with your new exercise plan:

Tip: Keep in Mind That Rome Was Not Built in a Day

The biggest mistake most people make when they start a new exercise regimen is to start too quickly and exercise too much for their current fitness level. This results in serious muscle soreness, fatigue, and an overall feeling of exhaustion for days after the workout session.

Instead of heading out for a five-mile hike on your first day back to exercising, keep in mind the old saying that "Rome was not built in a day." Start slow and only push your body a small amount each day you exercise to build up your fitness level. This will help a lot with the post-exercise soreness and tired feelings.

Tip: Exercise Different Parts of Your Body on Different Days

Another pitfall people new to exercise often fall into is doing the same few exercises day after day. This is problematic because it limits the muscles you build and will lead to muscle soreness in those targeted muscles.

For example, if you walk then you build mostly leg muscles and your arm muscles and core don't get much of a workout. If you simply walk more to get more exercise, then your leg muscles will get sore.

While walking is great exercise, make sure that you work out your arms and core muscles on days you don't walk. This will give you a better level of overall fitness and will help prevent sore legs. 

Tip: Enlist the Help of a Personal Trainer

Finally, if you do not have a lot of knowledge about exercise and physiology, then you should consider hiring a personal trainer to help you design a customized exercise program. Your trainer will work with you to create an exercise plan that will help you get into shape and minimize your muscle soreness and overall tiredness. This ensures you will be more comfortable during the times you aren't exercising.

For more information, contact a business such as Fitness One.
